hooray..hooray its a holiholiday..
what is so special about that phrase that make our heart bump in and out when we hear it.it mean a break,day off or just for those who are unemployed holiday is nothing special for the to celebrate.
but for many of us who have struggle to live, work every hour day and night to make sure they can move on tomorrow morning to face the world once more even it is like 'hell' for them.maybe for that kind of fellows, word of holiday is the most pleased word to hear and greatest gift given to enjoy even though in short period of time.
so, ive been thinking that most of horrible things happen now should be given 'holiday' on them.holiday of war,fights,kill,drugs and many more so that they will have time to rest from their activity for a second.agree? hm,seriously you guys are mad if you do not agree with me because, what i mean here is the ultimate 'holiday' for those bastard and they have to like it or not rest forever from doing their dirty job.
why i'm suggesting this? because this kind of shits which always interfere with our relaxing and fine holiday on every second we have, either we realize it or not.this junk who will find any moment in our life to ruin everything, and the time we are most not aware is on our holiday or day off.they will eventually come and crush everything and our holiday will become 'horiday'.then those punk will have their enjoyable holiday with our miserable moment have to pay for everything.
so please remember in what situation, do not let holiday take care of you, but you have to take control of your holiday.
happy holiday everybody..