Friday, September 26, 2008

Gedebuk... aduh..!!

what happened to the UMNO? they are now just posponed the election to march next year..

is it realy because of the MT's decision or something behind the 'scene' is happening.

some people may assume something wrong with them and just try to run away, thats how they deal with their problems, and maybe some other people still support the decission.

for me this is one of the most critical issues in the party and looks like they cannot hide their real matter anymore and the must settle it before it getting worse and affect themself.

the PM just make his statement in the news that no one can make the decision for him, only him can decide wether he will figth for his place or not.
i think he now holding a big pressure on his back and its getting bigger and bigger.

so, do you think this is the end of his era or what?....
could u tell me please..