Monday, April 27, 2009

This is my lucky or bad day?

Horoscope? a very interesting thing to know, learn and read everyday, even before having your breakfast.

but is it realy can be trusted with all the prediction, explanation about what will happen to us on that day or week or that particular month?.Well for me it is much more like a bullshit.the horoscope tell us many things like luck,love,friendship and even our work progres without logical factors and only according to the star sign we were born with.

everytime people will crazy to know their horoscope before they go to work, dating, go to trip or to do something.they realy want to know the condition on what will they do before they do it.If they horoscope tell them that its not working on that day they will not doing it even they is nothing to be worried about.

seriously i take the horoscope only as a guideline which made up upon certain situation or research.They are no exactly right in what are the horoscope telling us, and for muslim it will become syirik to believe in all this thing.For me it is more like a coincident if what are the horoscope told us before came true after that.

it is just the similarity in the horoscope and the situation we encounter which make the horoscope are realy trusted.let say that the horoscope tell us that on that day in our study it will be a very hard day for us.and in schoool or college, all our assignment, quizes, or test have failed or get the lowest mark overall.. so ia it the horoscope pridiction is true then?

of course it is not, it is just what we are thinking which make it looks it became true.Like the case above, when we read the horoscope we have feeling like it will be a hard day for us, then we get that poor result,then thats the time we match it with the prediction before which will come out from our mouth "so it is true after all".That easy we believe about the silly prediction.

Are we not thinking that while we are doing the assingment, we just do it bluntly, take the test without revision and not study before the quizes.After that are we aspecting all that will contribute a great result? of course the probility for us to fail is very high and we know it the best.

So, do not feel sad, dissapointed, or bad about something just because your horoscope is bad it will not make any different and the one to decide is ourself not a piece of crap written on the paper.Just believe in the Qada' and Qadar, and do the best in our life because Allah the only one who can help us, not other things.

think about it.....

chotto Kowaii ne....




some scary places in Japan..
if u guys want to watch more just go to utube, there are many other links there..
(but seriously do not believe what are the monks said about that place or the ghost as you are muslim)